Saturday, May 26, 2012

Equal Rights

I believe all people are created equal. This is the truth. So all people being created as equals then all people should be treated as equals. There should NOT be different rules and laws for different people.  No matter your sex, race, religion or SOCIAL standing, we are all born and we all die. If you strive to succeed then you should have the equal right to achieve no matter who you are. If you commit a crime then you should have equal punishment. NO ONE should be treated as above or below anyone else. The laws should be equal to everyone. NO ONE should be  an exception to the laws!

Divorce Date

So I have been given an date for court for my divorce. This is not the settlement date that fight is still going on with the forgery of the paperwork.
But on June 1,2012 it is scheduled for my marriage to be dissolved. I will be in the good old boy network nest.
It would be a great feeling to have other women there showing the good old boys we will not stand for this bad treatment any more.
Be there and show support for all women!
Terrebonne Parish court house down town Houma. Division E

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A democracy??

In today's society it is becoming clear that equal rights is a smoke screen for the truth. We do not live in a democracy. The war over seas to help form a democracy is a scam.
Women are still a second class citizen in the US. For all the fighting the women before us did it was for little. Sure we can vote. BUT become a victim and see how fast a woman is pushed aside in favor of a man.

Women are still being raped by the justice system. No not a sexual act. Raped financially and mentally. It is okay according to the justice system to take everything from a woman and give it to a man. Even when the law is clearly written that it should be equal. It is okay to commit crimes against women we don't matter. Sadly the government turns a blind eye to this treatment.

There is no room in today's economy for this Good Old boy network. It is past time they make room at the table for all women!

I am looking for a true attorney to fright for justice.